13.7 Job Reference/Review Screen (DB)

2 min read

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Job Reference / Review Screen #

The ‘Job Reference’ Screen (abbreviated on screen as ‘Job Ref’) displays the survey sections, items, questions and question responses for a specific job. The specific job is identified by an Alpha numeric code. The Job Ref Header contains the following information.

  • Job Ref
  • Status
  • Progress bar
  • Surveyor (Name) – Blanked out in screenshots for privacy


Optional actions

  • Click on envelope icon to email surveyor (if you have queries about the job)


  • Click on phone icon to show the surveyor’s phone number (if you have queries about the job)

  • To return to the ‘ Jobs’ screen, click ‘back to jobs’.

Question responses #

  • Section
  • Item
  • Question
  • Question type
  • Current (Answer)
  • Answer (New)

The ball next to a question, tells you about the nature of that question i.e.  Orange = optional question, green  = recommended,  red = required question

Download All Images #

From the Job Reference/Review Screen (Dashboard)

  • Click on ‘Download All Images’

  • As a result you are asked to confirm your selection, click yes
  • As a result a zip file is downloaded onto your device
  • Click on the zip file to see the individual jpeg photos for that job

Export as CSV #

From the Job Reference/Review Screen (Dashboard)

  • Click on ‘Export as CSV’

  • As a result you are asked to confirm your selection, click yes
  • As a result a CSV file is downloaded onto your device
  • Click on the CSV file to open in MS Excel.
  • The MS Excel File will contain the following columns:
    • section_Name
    • item_name
    • question
    • answer
    • answer_note_text
    • answer_note_images (multiple photos are delineated by commas)

Note: Photos can be seen by putting the photo link in a browser

Go To Reports Page #

  • Click on ‘Reports’


Job Progress #

The Job Progress Bar conveys how much of a survey was completed. As more of a survey is completed the bar moves from left to right, with the colour of the bar changing from red, to amber, to green.


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